About the Journal

Journal Title : Journal of English Literature, Linguistic and Social Sciences 
Initials : JELLS
Abbreviation : J. Eng. Litera. Lingu. SocSci.
Editor-in-chief : H. Librilianti Kurnia Yuki, M.Pd.
Publisher : Program Studi Sastra Inggris Universitas Putra Indonesia
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Publication schedule : 2 Publications a year (May and October)


Journal of English Literature, Linguistic and Social Sciences (JELLS) is a scientific publication that aims to become an academic realm in expressing the latest ideas, ideas, scientific paradigms in several branches of English Literature, including linguistics, and other humanities social sciences.

The topics discussed in this journal include interdisciplinary / multidisciplinary science in the field of literature and science in other social humanities fields from various current phenomena, popular culture related to linguistics and English literature. The commitment of this journal is to maintain the productivity and integrity of academics in providing insights and paradigms in line with scientific developments, especially in the field of literature.