Pola Komunikasi Nonverbal dalam Musik Beatbox Cianjur
Communication, Nonverbal,, Beatboxing, Community, SymbolicAbstract
This research aims to find out the meaning of each sound and movement and to find out the imitation process demonstrated in beatbox music in the Cianjur Beatbox community. Beatbox itself is an art form that focuses on producing rhythmic sounds and drum beats, musical instruments, and imitations of other sounds, through human speech tools such as the mouth tongue, lips, and other speech cavities. This research uses qualitative methods, type of case study research, used to describe, explain, and answer problems with cases and events in this study. The theory used is symbolic interactionism from George Herbert Mead (1932). This research sample uses purposive sampling technique. The informants of this research are considered the most knowledgeable about nonverbal communication in beatbox music in the Cianjur Beatbox community. This research approach is through observation, interviews and documentation. The validity of the data uses triangulation and the data analysis uses Miles & Huberman. The results showed that there are various techniques in beatbox that are converted into a symbol and each technique and symbol has its own meaning, as well as various forms of nonverbal communication in beatbox that have their own meaning, especially in the Beatbox Cianjur community. This is in accordance with George Herbert Mead's theory of symbolic interactionism regarding mind, self & society.
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