Author Guidelines

How to Submit

JTIF: Journal Of Technology Information is a national journal with open access, publishing high-quality research articles in the fields of ICT, Applied Technology, SPK, GIS, AI, Big Data, Multimedia, Information Systems (ERD, EAI, CRM, SCM) E-commerce, E-Government, Mobile Systems, Data Mining, Databases, Robotics and communication fields. Articles submitted to the editor have never been published or are not being submitted for publication in other print media. Manuscript articles must pass a plagiarism check of less than 15%. Submission of articles to Thematic Journal is only done through an online submission system with the following steps:

  1. Manuscripts are submitted through the online submission system on the Journal of Technology Information electronic portal.
  2. At the time of submission, the author must register on the Register page. Select (check) the role as “Author” to be able to submit the manuscript online.
  3. After the registration process is complete, log in as “author” using the username and password at the time of registration.
  4. Start the article submission by clicking “New Submission”. Article submission consists of 4 stages: (1). Start, (2). Upload Submission, (3). Enter Metadata, (4). Confirmation.
  5. In the “Start” column, select “Journal Section (Article)”. Check all options on the “Submission Checklist”. Type a message to the Editor “Comments for the Editor” (if any). Check the “Copyright Notice”. Click “Save and continue”.
  6. In the “Upload Submission File” column, click “Select Article Component”, click “Article Text”, click “Upload File”, upload the manuscript in MSWord format. Click complate on “upload file”. Click complate in “Review Details” Click Save and continue.
  7. In the “Enter Metadata” column, fill in the “Title” column with the title of the article in Indonesian and “SubTitle” with the title of the article in English. Fill in the “Abstract” column according to the article abstract. Click “Add contibutor” to enter author and affiliation data, fill in the “Abstract” column and fill in the “References” column according to the manuscript. Click “Save and continue”.
  8. In the “Confirmation” column, if all the data filled in is correct, click “Finish Submission”.
  9. If the author finds problems in the process of submitting the manuscript through the online system, please contact the Chief Editor in the Contact Page.

Writing Style

Guidelines for writing manuscripts on, on JTIF: Journal Of Technology Information:

  1. The manuscript is the result of original scientific work that has never been published, not being submitted for publication in other journals / places / media.
  2. Manuscripts are written in English. The author must write the journal in accordance with the specified format/template.
  3. The journal is written in a maximum of 12 pages. Then sent through the journal address at the following link Authors must log in first to submit a journal.
  4. The systematics of journal writing contains an introduction consisting of background and research objectives, studies related to the research, methods used in problem solving, results and discussion, conclusions and suggestions, a list of references in accordance with the Medeley format.
  5. The writing format should follow the following format :- Title: 12 pt.
  • Author's name: 10 pt.
  • Footnote: 8 pt.
  • Section, subsection and reference headings : 10 pt and capitalized.
  • Content text : 10 pt, left-right aligned.
  • Abstract: 10 pt, bold and left-right aligned.
  • Image caption: 8pt, center.
  • Table caption: 8 pt, center.
  • References: 9 pt, left-right aligned.
  • Margin: Left: 3 cm, right: 3 cm, top: 2 cm, bottom: 2 cm.
  1. Tables must be numbered, for example: Table 1. Category. With the table caption (table number and title) placed in the center position above the table.
  2. Figures must be numbered, for example: Figure 1. Research Scheme. With a description of the figure (number and title of the figure) placed in the center position below the figure.
  3. The writing of mathematical formulas must be written clearly, accompanied by numbering and contain information about the formula in question.
  4. Citation and reference writing is written using IEEE Style. Referencing is done in a numbering format. The numbering refers to the reference list used. Citations in the text content that refer to the reference list are written in numbers accompanied by square brackets, Example: [1] First reference.
  5. Display images clearly (not blurred) if large images can be made in one column.
  6. Reference sources or citations included in the manuscript are primary reference sources published in the last 10 years.
  7. All manuscripts submitted for publication in will go through a process of assessment by Bestari Partners/Reviewers.
  8. The authors will receive notification from the editor, if the manuscript is rejected or accepted. The author of the manuscript will be given the opportunity to improve the manuscript based on the recommendations/suggestions from the Bestari Partner/Reviewer.