Games, Educational, Folklore, FDD, SentikaAbstract
Games are highly favored applications among Gen Z, and nearly every smart device comes with games installed. However, this generation should ideally be more inclined towards educational applications. Therefore, this research aims to develop an educational and entertaining platform based on folk tales that can be played on smartphones. This initiative is motivated by the lack of knowledge among today’s youth about traditional folk tales. By using games as a medium, the author seeks to preserve Indonesian folklore that is gradually being forgotten, making it more engaging and enjoyable. The development method chosen for creating this folklore-themed game is Feature-Driven Development (FDD), as conceptualized by Peter Coad. FDD consists of five stages: developing an overall model, building a feature list, planning by feature, designing by feature, and building by feature. The result of the development process using FDD is a game platform with the folklore theme of Naya Sentika, titled "The Legend of Naya Sentika," which can be played on smartphones. For the development, the researcher used Unity as the main software, along with C# as the programming language, written in Visual Studio for scripting.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Emil Herdiana, M. Adi Kuncoro, Tony Tristianto, Buhori Muslim (Author)

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