
  • Eva Susilawati Study Program of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Putra Indonesia, Indonesia Author
  • Lamlam Patimah Study Program of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Lingga Buana PGRI, Indonesia Author
  • Eldi Noviandi Study Program of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Putra Indonesia, Indonesia Author


Internet, Information, Online, Black box


The rapid development of internet technology as the most effective and efficient means of communication, capable of addressing the highly competitive issues of today, is demonstrated by its global user base. The internet provides a wide range of fast, comprehensive, and accurate information needed by everyone worldwide in various fields, such as economic or business activities, which commonly use online platforms for buying and selling. Even service offerings can be published through the internet. In this research, the internet is applied to the business activities of clothing sales, which are usually conducted offline, through a platform called an e-commerce website. The research is conducted on Cloud End distro, which has been selling offline. The application development research method uses a descriptive approach that begins with analysis, software design, coding, testing, and maintenance. This e-commerce website provides detailed information about trendy clothing, ensuring customer satisfaction with the information presented. The result of this e-commerce website application development research is the creation of a reliable application that has undergone black box testing for all its features.


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How to Cite

E-COMMERCE WEBSITE FOR CLOUD END DISTRO. (2024). JTIF : Journal of Technology Information, 1(1), 15-21. https://jurnalunpi.org/index.php/JTIF/article/view/12

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